
By scribbler


Cup on my writing desk.

NaNoWriMo is coming. If you've ever wanted to write a novel, now's your chance! It can be in any language, it don't have to be grammatical or speld korekly. It's a rush!

National Novel Writing Month begins November 1.
(Description here, signup here).

I'm committing to use NaNoWriMo energy to work on my novel.
Goal: write 50,000 words in a month. Or finish!
I've done it before, I hope can do it again.

If I shuffle off this mortal coil without publishing this book, it will be my deepest regret. So life will get very simple. Comments will be off. Blips may not get blipped every day, or even at all. Challenges may be a challenge I don't need.

I'm going to enjoy the next two months to the fullest, before I chain myself to my writing desk.

True confession: NaNoWriMo participants are supposed to write a new novel, not work on an old one. I am, ahem, thinking outside the box (as usual). And I'm not sure whether I'll actually sign up, or just keep a word count every day. I hope, in one way or another, lots of blippers will be joining me. It's simple! The only rule of writing is, Apply butt to chair.

SIMPLICITY: DDW Sept 5 challenge by Anniemay

(Uncropped. iPhoto Effects: Vignette 1, Boost 1, B&W)

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