
By sueslife

I won!!

I have been trying to outwit this pack rat for 3 weeks now...they are notoriously wily and he's been dining on dates, apricots stuffed with peanut butter, roast chicken bones, cheese and crackers but finally the tuna on McVities cheese biscuits fooled him :). He's been nesting on our car battery, taunting Angus under the deck every night and had moved back into the garden shed. They make everything stink with rat pee too. So.... What did I do? Shoot him, drown him, run over him....? No.... I'm a sucker for those bring brown eyes and he's so much cuter than a black rat.... I drove him 12 km away and let him go and warned him he wouldn't be so lucky next time!
They are amazing creatures and everyone has a pack rat story around here. The one I like best is the couple who used to grow all their own veg and store it for the winter. They had a box full of carrots stored in sand. Xmas dinner came and they went to pull out their lovely home grown produce... Nothing left.. Gone.
A year later they decided to do some renos and took out a couple of walls.. They found that one wall was completely lined with their lovely carrots along with potatoes, soap bars and all manner of things that had been going missing. Talk about the world's best hoarders!

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