mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Bejewelled web..

It was very foggy first thing this morning and I know this because I was awake at 3.15 and I could hear the motorway which only happens in fog. You'd think it would muffle the sound but if any boffs out there know the scientific reason, I'd love to know!
After a brief conversation on twitter with another insomniac and one from Canada, I went back to sleep at some point after 4.30. I couldn't have a lie in because I had to take hubby to the station (he had an advertising awards do) but it was a lovely morning, heavy with dew and the sun was already burning off the fog. By the time I got back home there were just a few wisps dancing across the lawn and all the cobwebs (hundreds of them) were glistening in the sunshine. I didn't see a single spider.
Not one.

After falling asleep this afternoon and dropping my phone (which woke me straight back up) I had a second wind and actually got a lot done today! :-)

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