Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Watching Paint Dry

Well, the title sums up this week at work so far. Although we have been getting loads done, there is that ill feeling of:

Two Steps Forwards
Three Steps Backwards

Typical of all things IT: we have just had Windows8 installed over the summer period and although it is supposed to be the next best thing, it is still a long way before "all systems go". Plus there is the learning the way it operates.
However, all credit to the IT team for pulling off such a major task in the first place. Bearing in mind that many Tablets have been introduced a few months ago.
As for our department, many of our design software packages are not quite on the system, but more worryingly, will they run well on Windows8? Who knows?

Another issue in the workhouse this week: many of our old, but well engineered machines, have not been "talking" to our new CDR (sockets) safety circuits. Instead of "talking" the CDR ring just trips off, despite being on seperate circuits.
This issue is being sorted with temperary measures in place.

Perhaps too much is being done in a short space of time? Hence too much paint takes a long time to dry.

Apologies to the poor effort on the blip front over the last few days. Hope this one makes up for it.

Holiday blips have finally been back dated.

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