A day for reflection

A year ago today I had my fears confirmed when a scan showed up a second ectopic pregnancy, and I was admitted for surgery. It had already been a difficult couple of weeks as I knew something was wrong, and it marked the start of what were the worst few months of my life. As I recovered we found out my dad was ill, and his decline was rapid.

So today has been a time for reflection - it was a difficult time but things are settling down, at least on a personal level, and I need to take a step back and realise that I have a lot to be grateful for. Number one on the list is this gorgeous little creature - I feel so lucky that we managed to have her after a few ups and downs and scares, she truly is a blessing.

I have a great family and some good friends - and I know that my mum and dad are watching over us. Just need to keep this to the forefront of my mind instead of letting stupid things get me down!

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