West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Lazy Daisy Days

There really isn't much to say today; sometimes the people we care about are hurting, you sense sadness, the timbre of their voice very subtly different, when all you want to do is hold them and tell them everything will be ok but the road and the miles prevent it you can only try and reassure them and be there for them.

Sometimes we all lose sight of what is important, consumed by the ravages of everyday life, but maybe we all need to take a little step back and reflect on who is important to us, without those we care about we are shadows of the people we were, the undernoted quote really kind of sums it up:

"Pure love is to give without the thought of ever receiving anything in return."

Love is like a boomerang, if you give your love unconditionally it will comeback from those true friends and that is all that matters, no matter what, no matter when, they would support you and comfort you in your darkest hour.

Take the the time to send out that love, tell those you care about, maybe all you need to do is say hello, for that simple word in and of itself lets tthem know you are thinking of them ....

A simple shot today, a daisy, on the banks of our river, she was peaceful this early evening as I wandered, I hope you enjoy the shot, the very low angle messes with the prospective of the shot and this small bloom appears huge against the mighty river; best in large

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