Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin


I like this one cos they've gone that extra mile and painted splashes on the sidewalk.

I had to shoot this with my old Blackberry. Pulled my camera out but it just wouldn't go! Wouldn't switch on ... gave it a righteous shake ... still nothing. When I got home I messed with it a bit more, was about to give it a bash on the counter when I noticed its battery plugged into the charger. You could say I did a bit of troubleshooting and eventually figured out exactly what was wrong. A real triumph!

We've had quite a bit of thunder here today. Thunder's very rare on Vancouver Island. I'd just got up, gone to the kitchen, thrown open the windows and there was a massive rumble and crack! I almost jumped out my skin! Thought it was an earthquake for a split second. I still thought it might be an earthquake even after it clearly wasn't, thunder's that rare.

Anyway, phone's obviously due an upgrade. I've asked for a Q10. Everyone's laughing at me. But I like the actual keyboard. There's something satisfying about the click of the little buttons. Rather unfortunate there's no fart apps for the Blackberry, though.

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