An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

That Friday Feeling...

Dull, grey and wet morning but as I looked out of the kitchen window, this little tree was glistening brightly in all it's Autumn jewel colour glory and today's blip was sorted.

It's a little taster of the delicious colours that autumn brings and there is a specific autumnal shot I have been trying to get for the past two years and failed, but this year I am determined to get it. Not saying any more than that at the mo ;-))

And so it's Friday again. Is it just me or are the weeks are just whizzing by?! I honestly can't believe it's September already. I feel as though it should be the beginning of June.

Ok, time to sit with my feet up be a domestic goddess for a little while before thinking about what's for dinner. Oh yes, all rock n roll here.

Hope THIS makes up for yesterday's musical link :-))

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