Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Sunflower - but no sun!

It was raining and much cooler this morning. Yesterday got to 29C and today it is about 17C, quite a difference in one day. I treated myself to these sunflowers when I went grocery shopping - they looked so lovely in the supermarket that I just had to buy them. I also have not been well all week so the flowers were to perk me up, and I did not feel like going out in the rain in search of a blip so I am afraid it is another flower photo.

I never ever get ill, I have not been to the doctor in years, and certainly have not taken antibiotics in well over 10 years - but now I am on my second course of antibiotics :(

While I was out and about in the car doing grocery shopping and errands, I heard such an interesting program on Radio 4. It is called Reunion and the host gets certain people together on radio to talk about their experience at some famous event. This morning it was about the assassination of JFK, and one of the people talking was his body guard who was there with him. (He is now 93 years old) The way he described the events of that day has made me think about it all day. How Jackie sat with her husband's head in her lap while his brain and bits of bone leaked out all over her lap and was all over the back seat. How she did not want anyone to know how badly he was injured so would only let his body go when the body guard offered his jacket to cover JFK's head. And how the body guard leapt onto the back of the presidential vehicle to try to shield the president with his own body. It was fascinating stuff!

Now it has stopped raining and the sun is coming out - but I don't feel like going out to get another photo!

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