Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2

Yes, this is Clive

Best viewed *larger*

Clive blackbird gaining a new set of black feathers for his head. It's amazing that when they moult their feathers reflect blue from the light of the day. He's a little nervous still, but then first sign of worms & he's literally standing on my foot looking up expectantly!

There's been a lot of robin activity around today - not that I've been here - but this morning a robin sang for the first time out the front, where Larry used to sing, I so wanted it to be him, but of course it wasn't. Plus this afternoon a robin flew in the garage, so he/she obviously remembered that they once did - could have been Big Rob? :)

Clive feathery xxx's

Edit: Oh crumbs, didn't even realise it was the 2 year blip! Kind of glad I didn't or it would have been too much pressure to find something perfect, but Clive isn't too bad! Thanks all :) xxx

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