Double Shot Mummy


Oscar is growing up

This is one of those photos that shocks me how grown up Oscar looks. In saying that, it is more than just physical.

He is developing a real sense of humour. He loves having a laugh with you and likes to joke around. He is also becoming quite protective of his sisters! I hear him every now and again telling Bailee not to do certain 'harmful/naughty' things! Oscar is getting more and more loving towards Maple. Him and Bailee are a close team and it has taken some time for them to let Maple into it. I regularly now see him interacting and showing affection towards her. I love seeing him being so caring.

We have known for some time that Oscar is a very deep thinker. He has an amazing memory; far better than mine. He recalls things every day from months ago that seemed insignificant to us and that we had almost forgotten. He likes to know exactly how things work and why.

I love how friendly and open Oscar is.... he loves interacting with other kids and is not shy! We are looking forward to catching up with some of our Dubai friends for play dates again.

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