Working with children

To be honest today hasn't really felt like work at all, more, just having fun. I got to read the children a story, did some counting (even I mathematically challenged as I am, could manage) and got to chat and get to know the new (to me) children in my new class. They are lovely and I've had a ball today.
As I was leaving I went to check my drawer and found this Thankyou card, drawn by one of last year's children. Awwww, how lovely is that? So this is me, and it's quite accurate, particularly the spaced out eyes as I stayed up Veeery late last night watching a programme about the 1963 civil rights march to Washington. It was spinetingling and that speech is even more incredible and moving when you can see the great man himself delivering it. Awesome in the real sense of that word.

And here we are at the weeks end with a gale blowing, Autumn has arrived!

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