
By Houseonahill6

Down on the beach

Started the day really early and we were in the bird hide before 7.30am. Lots of Teal, red shank, mallard and Bar tailed godwit to name a few.
Picked up breakfast and lunch from Cromarty Bakery and then ventured on foot onto the small car ferry across the Cromarty Firth to Nigg. The sun was now shining and it was beautiful, a stunning morning and warm in the sun. Explored the beach picking up lots of sea smooth glass and admired the wonderful shapes and colours of the stones. May have seen an otter quickly swimming past and completely disappearing from our sight. We did see Dolphins again, yeah !

Sat in the sun and ate cake and admired the view with wonderful clouds floating above us. Spotted footprints in the sand that may have been Christians,the Soldier furthering his journey a round the coast after sleeping in the disabled loo in Cromarty !There were other prints that looked like otters and when following a track we came across a tunnel with water in the front, ideal for otter bathing and noticed some spraint. Looked up and saw a pair of buzzards and two larger birds of prey possibly Golden Eagles.

Caught the ferry back just before a downpour and now sitting in front of the log burner with a cup of tea :)

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