
By TexMama

We miss you!

The lady who lives in that house in the pic, loves cows. She comes out every evening and feeds cow treats to the cows in the field next to her house, and to ours, because "it would be mean not to" as she told me recently :0)
When we got mama and baby up here by the house we closed off the gates so the cows couldn't get down to the field by her house. So every evening they stood and watched sadly as she came and went :0(

This was a almost a perfect lucky shot, they were all stood in a neat line, but the baby moved just as I was about to snap them.

They are, from L to R; baby Phil ( don't ask I didn't pick the name...but mr Tex is calling him 'Phil the freezer' boooo), then his mama Tigress because she has tiger stripes, her daughter Brownie (imagination gone wild there), and her daughter Chocolate. Since I took this Brownie has had her calf too, and the kids named him Steve....of course??

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