Shades of Yesterday (squared)

Different venue, different plant - but both bees and both purple flowers.

Today's offering was taken out at the Red Barn this morning. It always fascinates me to see not just the hairs on their eyes, but the pollen too. Always makes me blink and want to rub my eyes. Blink even harder in large.

I was woken way too early for a Saturday this morning so was up and organised and in at work by 8. Took a break mid-morning for coffee at the Red Barn and then went back into work till after 5 - anyone would think it was a work day instead of the weekend! Mind you, I got heaps done.

Off out to a quiz tonight - I won't know any of the answers but I can pay my money and help make up team numbers. I wonder if I can take my knitting....

Please note this is a square one for Square September

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