Leuchars Airshow

From up the hill and boy was it windy, misty and downright chilly! We had taken wine and the picnic blanket but it was really too blustery to enjoy for long. We left that vantage point and headed back down to the village towards home after about an hour. Of course the sun then started to shine so we headed out of the village up to our hill. There were people there....tsk! Including our next but one neighbours so we stood and chatted...getting colder and colder.

Time to scurry home and get warm.

Shame the last ever airshow didn't get a clearer day. The mists really did get in the way:(

Mr Lif is now chilled to the bone and has taken to his bed....this may or may not be directly related to the prospect of a couple of hours of Strictly being on the telly!

Saturday night, cava and Strictly.....autumn is on its way. Chin chin blip chums :)

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