Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Fence Shadows

I snuck out early this AM for a morning blip and was intrigued by the shadows cast by this fence.

When composing this shot, I decided to use an ultra wide angle lens and thought that broad viewpoint would better capture the depth of the image and the shadow. I particularly like how you can see the shadow receding down the road. If you look carefully, you can also see the farm at the end of the driveway. This an active horse farm, but we see none in the shot. Perhaps they are sleeping?

From a processing perspective, the range of tones in the image was so broad that I was forced to use HDR. The brightness also caused some undesirable lens flare which I removed with the clone stamp. The star burst is from the camera and was not enhanced in PS. In case you are wondering, my experience is that you get the best star burst effect with a smaller apertures and so I purposefully tried to shoot with the smallest aperture I could manage hand held.

I have also posted three back blips. The shot from yesterday is one that one that I really like and would love feedback on. Here is a summary:

Mrs TMG on the Dock -- from yesterday and my favorite back blip
Barn in HDR -- From 8/7
Spray -- From 8/6

Post processing:
HDR combining -2, 0, +2 images
Misc PS tweaks to remove two small instances of lens flare

Constructive criticism always welcome

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