Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Down by the docks

Today was our last full day in Iceland, we leave on an early flight tomorrow morning - sad times! Our plan was to go whale watching today, but unfortunately a huge storm blew in so the trip was cancelled - doubly sad times!

So we rejigged our plans a little bit and decided to have one last day around Reykjavik city. We had a lie in this morning, then went for a late breakfast in the old part of town. After that we visited the flea market which, to be honest, was awful! So we walked around the old harbour for a while, had some great ice cream in the busiest ice cream parlour I've ever seen, visited a hilariously overpriced Northern Lights exhibition, shivered against the cold gale force winds, spent a ridiculous (and I mean ridiculous) amount of money on a traditional Icelandic jumper each, had a lovely dinner then finished the day off with some sweet cocktails in a trendy hotel - not a bad Plan B!

Down by the old harbour we found a cool piece of wasteland, and like the two total photography geeks we are, we spent some time there having a little photoshoot, taking shots of each other and having a great laugh. Here's my travelling buddy Emma between some pallets :)

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