Maybe this getting sick thing was a test. Maybe the Universe wanted to see if I was woman enough to follow through. If I was strong enough to for once NOT be so afraid to fail that I'd give up before even starting.
There were tears this morning. I felt so utterly crap. But the Beloved said that once the blood started to pump I'd feel better. Plus, my Solstice Sister was running too and I didn't want to let her down. So off we went.
It was already very crowded at the start. That made me nervous.
Lots of people looked like they run 5k before actually running a 5k - if that makes sense.
Off we go.
I start slow, according to the plan. It's hard because people are passing me and S. left and right and it's easy to get caught up in it. Fortunately my meds haven't kicked in so I just can't go faster even if I wanted to :)
Soon I'm starting to pass people that flew by me at the start. A group of women behind me yell: "Let's follow that shirt! That shirt is awesome!" It's mine :)
1 mile. Someone tells me my time. Slower than I wanted, but it doesn't matter. If I can finish I'm happy.
More walking people. I've lost S. but we knew that would happen.
2 mile. Small groups of High School Cheerleaders are chanting along the way. I smile broadly in appreciation. Talking is hard. A girl I pass is listening to Eye of the Tiger on her iPod. It makes me giggle.
Firemen handing out water. Must. Run. On.
I pass the older gentleman that has been in front of me since the beginning. Later I hear he is 81. Gawd, I hope I can do what he does at 81.
A little boy is high-fiving runners on a corner. His dad behind him, cheering him on. I see finished runners coming back; "You're in the home stretch", they say.
I'm not reassured; I know where the finish is and there's a steep incline between it and me.
Around the corner - an honour guard of cheerleaders: G, Double O, D, J, O, B! I put two thumbs up. Thanks girls, that was A, W, E, S, O, M, E!
Almost there, almost there. Up the hill I go. A little boy tells me there are wet towels at the finish. Sweet.
My lungs hurt so bad.
And then it's over, I'm over the finish and I want to fall down and I don't see the Beloved and oh there's some grass I'll lie down and die a little right there.
I did it.
It was awesome.
High on endorphins for hours, many compliments about the shirt, a gift certificate for a local restaurant in the raffle - but most of all, feelings of triumph and accomplishment.
I am Wonder Woman. Hear me roar.
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