
By snakelocks


Loretta is one of our 'baby Javas'. Which is to say that she is not long out of university and still has a drive and enthusiasm for software for its own sake. I used to be like that. She is very bright and has a natural talent for our line of work. She also works bloody hard and so she is a great and much appreciated asset to our team. Once the emotional turbulence of youth passes, I think that she will be well placed to take on the world. It does pass at some point, right?

I guess it's slightly unusual for someone with English as a second language to have a passion for 19 century English literature, but that's how it goes with Lo. More up to date, she has introduced me to the world of the Japanese author, Haruki Murakami. I'm half way through reading the Wind Up Bird Chronicle and loving every paragraph, even though she threw in a couple of spoilers when she initially described the book to me.

Tonight was meant to be 'battle of the cocktail bars' but it turns out the bar I wanted to promote doesn't open on Sundays. What the hell?! So we spent the night in 'her' bar. It was a fun night out, though the bar was quiet, it being a Sunday 'n' all.

I think that experience won over youth, and I had to help her finish the last drink of the evening. It will be fun to see what state she manages when we meet up later for another bright and perky Monday morning in the office.

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