
By hpx

Monday sunrise

The up side to getting up at silly o'clock on a Monday morning was seeing the sunrise at work this morning. (I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon and need a couple of early starts to make my hours up). If yesterday's blip lacked colour todays makes up for it. I cropped it but otherwise it's off the camera.

Thank you for your kind comments and thoughts over the past couple of days. As I looked at the Port Hills from my office window today I reflected on how good it was to up there yesterday morning. I'm so preoccupied with unknowns I completely over looked it was the first time in many months since I'd managed to walk from the bottom up to the Summit Rd. Despite four months since surgery I have a surprising base level of fitness.

After work today I felt exhausted but headed out to see how a bit of light running would go. I'm not really an office person but that's where my job is. To get out and run (or jog) is somehow primal and natural. I didn't overdo it and I think everything is in the right place ;-)

Last night I had a talk to Mum. That was good. Tonight I'm really tired and need an early night as I have another early start tomorrow. I'll be a bit thin in the comment department.

Hope your start to the week is good and gentle. Go well.

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