Today I went a local high school's Culture Festival. I only made it for the end so I missed out on a lot, but what I did see was quite entertaining.
I should preface this briefly with how Japanese schools are set up. In every grade the students are broken up into different classes. Each class has all lessons together and stay in their classroom throughout the day as the teachers move from class to class.
So for Culture Festival each class of each grade does some art, cooking, video, drama, etc project. Many first year classes at this school made and sold curry and cakes. One second year class stole the show with a video they made. The video consisted of the kids in the class reenacting commercials that are currently playing on TV or just making their own commercials for various projects. It was so funny!
This picture features a member of a second year class that put together some carnival-esque games. This is their giant version of "whack-a-mole" where the "moles" where students and the person playing the game tried to hit them with a fan! Crazy kids!
It was a really fun experience and even better was getting to talk to some of my graduated students who I haven't seen in three years! I'm glad they remember me!
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