Miss Tiddles In Blue to Celebrate 300 Blips
Miss Tiddles was giving me her "I Love You" look this morning as I was discussing with her how time just flies when you post a picture a day!
She agreed about things flying, but didnt know anything about blipping :)
Cant believe this is my 300th blip, it only seems a short while ago that I started and didnt think that I would be able to keep up and now I've done 300 without missing a day and loved every minute of it. It's opened my eyes to the world around me and now I seem to see so much more!
I was going to blip myself with Jake and Miss Tiddles to mark the day but Jake is sick again and will be going back to the vet in the morning. He is off his food and only eaten a little bit today, sleeping a lot and having trouble with the stairs :( poor old thing he isnt happy at all and I didnt have the heart to force him to perform a blip moment for me:(!
Along with that I will be going to the doctors too as I have some kind of infection in one eye and its killing me!! Celebrating my 300th blip with a big red eye wasnt going to be a good look, anyways I think we'll all survive to blip another day :D
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