
By LeeRoo


I've been for a good long walk on Riddlesdown Common this afternoon. I've been meaning to go here for a while but haven't quite gotten around to it as I wasn't entirely sure how to get there. Turns out it's a straightforward walk from where I live, although it did take a while. I'm so glad I went. It was lovely and peaceful and just what I needed. The views are beautiful and there are loads of little gates like this one where you can venture off into more secluded areas. It did rain, but my trusty hoody kept me warm and dry. I didn't really want to go as there was lots more exploring I could have done but I was getting hungry. Next time I'll be more prepared and will pack some lunch.

I stopped off to get some groceries on the way back home. A really good way to undo the relaxation is to go to a crowded supermarket! Now it's time to read the Sunday paper, do a few domestic things and maybe watch a film or two.

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