Today is the centenary of The Wagoners’ Special Reserve – no not a special whisky – an army derived from agricultural workers. This image shows a farm cart converted into an ambulance.

WSR had a working life of only 18 months, from February 1913 until the outbreak of World War One in August 1914. Men from local farms in the East Riding of Yorkshire belonged to an army of reservists, before becoming soldiers of the Army Service Corps. Their skills in driving a pole wagon and looking after horses were invaluable at the start of the Great War. The unit was formed by Sir Mark Sykes, whose Grandson now owns Sledmere House, where the parade today was held.

Outside Sledmere House, in East Yorkshire UK, there is a wonderful memorial depicting scenes from this grand story, which I blipped one year ago yesterday.

Many thanks for all my comments. I have some to catch up with !
Have a grand week.

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