Excuse me, coming through, sorry!
What an absolutely fabulous day! We spent the morning sea kayaking amongst cape fur seals, greater flamingos and kelp gulls just to mention a few! So much bird life!! Plovers, avocets, teals, gulls, cormorants, sandpipers, terns - wow! Not to mention the black backed jackals scouring the beach for an easy meal.
My kayaking partner was my new friend Cat, who is also coming out on the elephant project with me and we made a good duo.. getting into mischief together and keeping the guides on their toes!
The afternoon consisted of 4 wheel driving through the sand dunes the Namib-Nakluft Desert. Our guide was super experienced and just a little bit crazy! Then we climbed a few sand dunes and had a champagne lunch to finish off the day :-)
Tomorrow I'm heading out to Damaraland on the elephant project so will be very absent for the next two weeks with no wifi or electricity... Backblips to follow!
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