
Today is my parents 40th Anniversary but Dad is just not very well, hopefully he'll pick up over the week as they have a get together postponed from today and set to take place next Sunday.

I had another terrible sleep so am keeping my glasses on in this pic! Zoe was home for the weekend and an idea to go for a birthday breakfast was a brilliant one and Emily and Louise came along and also Katie who caught the train in from Chelmsford, it was just a really good morning.

Then went on to see my folks for the rest of the day, we opted to chill with a DVD and randomly mum picked Signs! not at all romantic but along with Paul and Elena we all got quite engrossed, except Dad who had a much needed deep sleep!

before the film we stuck on a dvd of old video camera footage, including a surprise clip of mum and dad's silver anniversary and lots of my nanna and old friends of my parents who have since passed away. (many tears of laughter and loss..) we've also enjoyed looking through their wedding album this weekend! one of the video clips was of the carnival parade from approx. 1996 and me, Louise and Katie (both on the ends) were part of the guides group dressed up riding emu puppets!! madness! but excellent that we're still really good friends, made me smile so much!

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