8th September 2013
Went over to Dad's house this morning to clear out his freezers so we can take them to the tip this week. We found them left in the garage after my sister took the main fridge freezer, so the food in them was very out of date.
This afternoon the kids happily did their homework whilst I tried to get the house straight around them. This was when I noticed the spiders web on my spider plant. It's a beautiful structure and I hate to destroy it, but it's my house and I'm not having it move in and mess my things up. That's what my kids are for!
Had a conversation on twitter this afternoon about ironing and I had a huge lightbulb moment. My mum was very bad at handing out praise, so bad in fact that it's left me very insecure about any praise I receive. But ironing was different. Whenever I helped her, she always told me what an amazing job I was doing. So I always associate ironing with happiness, praise, joy, elation and mostly pride. Basically I have been programmed from an early age to be happy to do her ironing! Oh well, at least I was happy somewhere along the line!!
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