Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Ledbury: Tilley's Jobbing Letterpress

Swish, a swoosh, a clickity clack. Swish, a swoosh, a clickity clack.

The unmistakable sound of Tilleys letterpress hidden high up the snicket of Tilleys Alley. The fall of the letterpress has been heard in this very alley since 1875. There is something fabulously real and sincere, timeless history caught unchanged.

I say unchanged, and yes something's have. The old press, like a beautiful steam train has changed hands in that time, but carefully and sympathetically handed down. Luke Tilley, a local entrepreneur first took over the Ledbury Free Press. In the first half of twentieth century Leonie Tilley took it over, modernising and updating the type faces in the blocks.

Martin Clark, current owner and pictured here has earned the title of Master Printer. He has been with the Tilleys Letterpress since he was 15 years old after a 5 year apprenticeship with Leonie Tilley. He stands amongst the plan chest of letters and spacers and letterpress tools. A man surrounded by what he knows. He is perhaps the only the man in this country to run an actual 'jobbing letter press'. Martin explained that the letterpress was perhaps the only one to still be in active service. Not part of a museum. The letterpress is very much valued and supported by its home town. Its rustically original and very tactile production has ever increasing popularity.

Martin's apprentice, Anneliese Appleby a vibrant and enthusiastic printer herself helps bring the press slowly and sensitively into the modern age. No computers in this studio, of course. But there is a website now. See HERE

Annalise cuts the Lino too. I remember the painstaking detail of Lino cutting myself at art school. It's a skill of course, a rare skill. Anneliese's stunning printed art work along side those block fonts is just a one off.

But then this press is a one off. Martin and Anneliese's skills are a one off too. British art history in Hereford, hidden up an alleyway or snicket. It's typical of every hidden art treasure in Herefordshire H.Art trail. Look and ye will find!..x

Also see picture of Martin and Anneliese here..x

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