Phalarope fly-by
Jeez! This is my third attempt to upload my blip - I finally just updated the journal after uploading the picture.
So what you have here are two new life-birds for me (and maybe even a new one for Blip big Year?). The ducks are northern Shovelers (fairly common) but the birds in flight are Red-necked Phalaropes, a bird that breeds in Alaska and northern Canada and winters in the southern Hemisphere out in the sea! So, a very exciting bird for me, and also a new life-bird for my parents (who've seen WAY more birds than I have!). The Phalaropes are small shorebirds, approximately 7 inches in length. And unlike most shorebirds, they prefer swimming to wading which explains why they spend the winters at sea.
And I know you are dying to know where I saw them, right? Wait for it...the Philomath Sewer Lagoons! Yep, we spent the afternoon at a sewer lagoon. Which, as it turns out, is an excellent place for migrant shorebirds and ducks! Thank you to Musings for telling me about this place!
Long day, and we came home this evening pooped but pleased with ourselves. And we are off again tomorrow for more adventures!
Also seen today were blue-winged teal, cinnamon teal, bright blue dragons and a humongous garden spider. I will post the best shots on Flickr when I get back home next week.
And I will apologize in advance for a lack of comments this week - I want to spend as much time as possible with mom and Dad.
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