Definitely a Theme Here ...

Sorry for the entomological repetition, but today definitely had a theme to it over which I had no control.

At some point during the night, something large and flapping flew through our open bedroom window ... I woke to the sound, and said loudly (in the hopes my hero husband would hear me and spring to my defense) "Uh Oh!" Sure enough, Sir Lancelot got on the case, and eventually assured me that what I had heard was not a bat ... just a moth. I thanked him for his bravery, and went back to sleep.

This morning, as I was towelling dry after my shower, I glanced upwards, and saw ... something large-ish clinging to the bathroom ceiling. Without my glasses on, however, I had no idea what that something was. Slowly and carefully, making no sudden moves, I slunk out to find my glasses, and then crept back rather timidly to have a peek. Phew! It wasn't a bat. Sir Lancelot was right, it was a moth, but WHAT a moth!!!!! The thing must measure four inches long ... the size of a small bird! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to hear if it eats small birds for breakfast! Sadly, where this monster chose to repose has horrible light, and it's too high up to get a good shot with my camera. Believe me, I tried!

While we were having our morning tea outside on the terrace, we discovered this rather handsome snail making his way over the barbecue grate. A little later, this black patent leather beetle sauntered by on the wall.

We took Tom and Kristin (who is four months pregnant) off to see the sculpture park we had admired last week. It's about 20 miles away, down lots of dirt roads, and up and down steep hairpin bends. My poor daughter in law, who is the best of sports, was horribly carsick on the way there. We felt so badly for her!

As we strolled through the wooded grounds of the sculpture park, we came across the grasshopper clinging to the glass walls of one of the artworks. Then, not three yards on, this behemoth spider came marching down the path! This eight-legged wonder was truly prodigious in size, about the size of a baby mouse ... it didn't make poor Kristin feel any better.

We drove on and had a pleasant lunch sitting outdoors under a linden tree before heading back. Poor Kristin was sick THREE more times. No more long car rides for our poor girl this trip!

I promise this will be the last creepy insect-themed blip of this vacation!

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