
After a wonderful week in Fife we packed up and set off for the ferry with hours to spare. En route we spied a sign for Aberlemno which rang bells in the memory of my good man. "Stones!" he cried and off we went in search of them! What a treat awaited us - four Pictish stones, absolutely beautifully carved, fascinating and intriguing.

This is the one in the church yard, known as Aberlemno 2. It was completed in the 9th century but is Still so crisp and detailed. It tells the story of a great battle, with horses, birds and warriors in all their armour. The reverse is covered with Celtic symbols and wonderful knotwork patterns.

With Ollie in tow we tracked down the rest of the stones and they were equally interesting, though some had suffered a bit more weathering. It's good to know that they are now covered over in the worst of the winter. This is a great site to see all the details about them.

We stopped for another little wander and explore at Stonehaven. On the way south we stopped there at 8 o'clock in the morning. It was almost deserted, peaceful and idyllic. This time it was 2pm, on a Saturday afternoon and it was very different! Thronged with folk and heaving with traffic! But the harbour was still full of boats and we got an excellent cup of coffee in a dog friendly bar. We even managed an explore of the Tollcross Museum - tiny and crammed full of interesting bits and pieces.

Got safely to the ferry in Aberdeen and sailed at 5pm. Fish and chips on board - it's traditional - followed by a bit of knitting, a few hours sleep then waking up just before we berthed at Kirkwall at 11pm. It's been a wonderful week. We've seen castles, churches, gardens and harbours, explored little villages, coastal paths, woodlands and beaches, had some excellent walks and met up with good friends. Lots of super memories.

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