Happy Belated Blipday to ME!

I completely forgot about my 365th blipday! Thanks to everyone who congratulated me yesterday - my "regulars" and those who dropped in to say hello. We're celebrating with a belated blipday party, and you're all invited - as long as you qualify to get through the gate! No pressies allowed, although I wouldn't say no to a good bottle of tequila! That'll get the party rolling.
This blip is a wonderful place. I found out about it in a newspaper article about another Salt Spring blipper, Ernie, and am so glad that I signed up. Thanks, Ernie! I set a goal to blip every day for a year - and I did it! Yay me! I so appreciate all the blip buddies I've made. What a great bunch you are! It amazes me that anybody bothers to look at my photos, never mind write comments on them. Huge thank yous to all of you!
So my goal for the next 365 blips is to learn more about photography. I have to take fewer photos and focus on taking better ones. Let's see if I meet that goal.
Anyway, c'mon over and help us celebrate! A good time is guaranteed. We'll be watching for you! Just tell the bouncer that you're a blipper and you'll get through the gate, no problem.

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