
By dunkyc


HUGE day today.

We went over to Sheffield to meet our niece for the very first time. We were up early, breakfasted and away by 9am. Chatting all the way over about how excited we were and how we wished that everyone else would get out of our way.

Fortunately, our niece (Ursula) did not disappoint and we were soon cooing over her and queuing up for cuddles. Hutch and I are so happy for Ursula's Ma & Pa. No parents were ever more deserving of such a beautiful baby girl.

We had a little walk in the afternoon to give Ursula's Mum some time for a little snooze and Ursula's Dad wanted to give her wheels their first spin out, so we took a stroll up to the Common and bounced her around in the buggy for a while. It was a nice view up on top and you could look over the town to the houses on the other side of the valley.

M'boy and I (pictured here) took in the scenery and some nice big lungfuls of fresh air.

The remainder of the afternoon we just relaxed, played with m'boy and stared at the baby before rounding it all off with a truly belting curry.

Hutch and I drove home feeling very contented with our little lot and satisfied that our niece was in the very best of hands.

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