
By KKBonawe

My Dad

At 9pm as I drove out from my Pilates class I remembered I had not taken a photograph today - such a busy day!

I also knew that when I got home I would find my dad waiting for a haircut. (I am not a hairdresser but bought clippers a few years ago, watched how the hairdresser cut mine and just copied). My dad says there is only a few days between a good and a bad haircut anyway so he doesn't mind especially when he doesn't have to pay to have it done!!

I thought I was going to have to tell him no picture no haircut (well I had no blip!) but to my surprise I didn't have to, when I explained my plight, he became a willing model - I was truly amazed! This picture is prior to the haircut.

My dad does enjoy seeing all the photo's I put on blip so now he is part of it. It feels like it was meant to be, he's even smiling, usually he hates getting his photograph taken!!

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