
By pose

I woke up in a state of panic. Rushed. Got the bus (the old lady at the bus stop commented that she could hear me coming because my shoes were too loose - we made friends) and met Rog in town. We went around the vintage fair in the Hexagon which was pretty good for Reading. We then did a classic and couldn't decide on what to do before lunch so walked super slow down the high street which meant we got stopped by all the charity people slash monks. We had a quick brews in zara before lunch at Picnic. Katie went to work and I got the bus and bumped into the Scanlon's whilst I was waiting.

I had totally got out of the wrong side of bed this morning so I hunkered back in and watched stuff when I got back.

Mum made an amazing homemade burger and chips. Sweet potato chips actually and homemade onion rings as well. I got all excited and put on American 50's music for the full diner experience. I made mum stack the onion rings on a stick in the burgers and we had cans of fizzy drink and everything - so unheard of in our household.

I skyped D in the evening and it ended up being a 3 and a half hour chat. We haven't seen each other in so long and we had loads to catch up on. It was lovely but I was so tired by the end of it.

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