Infusion #2

Bob started a new camp today for the next few weeks before school starts in September. He loved it (well, he loves most everything). It was nice to get a good vibe before I headed off to infusion #2.

The consensus is that the headache/neck ache from hell was truly meningitis after dose #1. My good friend who is a physician did some research and advised me to drink plenty of fluids the day before and take an aspirin to prevent blood clots the day of the infusion. My "real" doctor gave me a big slug of steroids. As it did before, I felt absolutely fine during the infusion.

Then it was the waiting game - I felt a bit like a ticking time bomb with the suspense of a scene in an action movie. Bob had a sleepover at his friend's house (we are blessed with wonderful friends) so that if there was a middle of the night ER run, we would not have to take him with us. A little headache and nausea started about 4 hours after the infusion and I took pain and nausea meds right away. And it never got much worse than that. My migraines are far worse than this headache.

I am writing this at 7:50am on Tuesday with still only a moderate headache. By this time after the last infusion, I was already 5 hours in to sheer hell. I hope this means I have dodged meningitis. I am headed to work to care for animals far sicker than I am.

Thank you all for your good wishes. I am feeling very loved world wide right now. Stay tuned, as another suspenseful waiting game begins with dose #3 on Wednesday.

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