This day

By snapper

The Alex

This hotel will always have a special meaning for me! It was there that my parents first met over 60 years ago when they both worked there for the season. I knew the inside of this building well as a child. When my parents worked here from April to October I would go up to live with my grandparents on the island and come back down to live with my parents for the winter. This went on until I was 7 and they then both got a full time job in Glasgow and I finally went to live there permenatly. Though both my parents have since died (my mohter's anniversary is tommorw actually) I still know some of the staff that worked with them and keep in touch. I always think that my parents were at their happiest there though they finally settled and remained in Glasgow for the rest of their lives. I remember the manageress whose name was spoken with reverence and respect, she was called Miss Smith and ruled with a rod of iron but was very fair. My folks met many famous people there in these early years as it was THE hotel to be seen in when in Oban. Nowadays its owned by the coach company Highland Heritage who charge premeium rates for a room with a sea view! Oh happy days indeed
Happy blipping all

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