
By dups

Lindis Pass

We left Wanaka "Booming" with thunder and lightening over head and heavy rain which continued right through to after Kurow.

Here the Lindis I wound the window down to get a quick shot and the camera and I got soaked! Have you seen the new safety fence which they have put up apparently it caused quite a hassle for the road men trying to clear the snow from the road this winter.

The rain changed to strong winds as we got closer to the East coast, masses of trees were down on farm land and one came down across the road just before we got there , luckily we were able to squeeze past between the fence and tree top on the grass verge. We didn't hang around when passing tree lines along the roads!

When we got home we had to retrieve lots of our out door furniture from around the garden.

Tonight is going to be very noisy !

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