Happy to be Home!

We had a great time away but it is so nice to be home! Lovely catching up with folk, seeing what's been happening in the garden, checking the tomatoes and being back in our routine of walks along the cliff and up on the hill. Mike has been out checking on Aida and went for a bit of a sail round the bay. Of course there are the less pleasant tasks like washing and ironing, refilling the cupboards and fridge, dealing with post and emails, but thankfully they were very minor this time.

All the barley fields in the area have now been harvested and round bales litter the fields. Ollie enjoyed himself, rolling in the stubble! He had a great time, nose down, smelling what had been happening in his absence and re-scent marking his territory! There has been another cut of silage too, it's lying wilting in the sun today, waiting to be baled in shiny black polythene.

The sun shone all day. We had our lunch in the garden, listening to the bees buzzing amongst the flowers. Lots of them still seem to be doing amazingly well, only the sweet peas seem to be well and truly over, others seem to be having a second flowering.

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