
By SueT123

One hundred blips!

In celebration of my hundredth blip, I have spent the entire morning creating a lightbox and taking several photos to end up with this offering! We now have a lovely selection of fruit and tomatoes to finish up for lunch!!
I am amazed that I have been here this long and although I have had to publish some rather poor photos to keep going, I have enjoyed blipping immensly! It has made me look at the world around me in a different way and I have become much more appreciative of the finer details of things, plants and insects for instance.
I have learnt a lot and know that I will continue learning, as for me this is half the fun (as well as a challenge)!
I love looking at all your journals and hope that I will be able to continue blipping for a long time.
Thank you to all my blip friends for your kind and helpful comments over the last 100 days! xx

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