"I Hope, My Boss Won't See This!"

... she said, after she and her friends (only slightly drunk) stopped me in my car in the middle of the road of a neighbourtown to ask for some cash to celebrate the end of their "Kerb" (an annual local festival, celebrated on a fixed weekend for each town).

In charge of the whole Kerb thing are the Straußbuwe/Straußmäd and she was one of them.
Since it is Tuesday and a Kerb starts on Friday and ends on a Tuesday, it surprised me how goodlooking she still was! And she was playing the sax o.k. (considering the circumstances)!

After a friendly little discussion I paid my toll (2 Euro) and asked for a photo in return (her friends had already taken off). Here it is.

I hope her boss won't see this.

20:25 CEST 11,9°C

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