Not in the slightest bit scary

This is the sort of thing I enjoy daily.

Today, in numbers, because that's all I am good for!
At least 10 jobs started, but not finished.
1 child who apparently didn't think I was the least bit scary but has given me plenty to chuckle about after the fact.
3.75 miles of walking in school.
11000 steps
11 flights of stairs
2100 calories burned
5.36 miles in total (not including the imminent climb to bedland)
3 months without touching a cigarette.
At least 5 people that I have made happy or done the right thing by.
At least 1 person that I have been stroppy with.
1 teenage son who has made me really really proud of him for making such an outstanding start to his school year.
40 minutes weights at the gym.
All in all, on balance, a pretty good day.

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