
By elfin

Into battle

'Come on lads* I know we're a bit rusty but let's go. No one appreciates us up here on this roof and will someone take these anti-pigeon spikes off my head - they're ruining my look.'

*ok that may not be exactly what this fine lady is thinking but I know for sure they're stallions. The detail is quite something.

Lots of hanging around today - presentation to the press finished at midday and trade one doesn't start until 5.30pm. Not only have I imagined the thoughts of a statue up on the roof, I've played some games on the iPad and drank a lot of coffee. I don't even like coffee. I would have done some work but the wifi is overloaded by the pr team doing their thing.

Had a minor panic this morning when the hotel hairdryer was as powerful as a small child trying to blow out a birthday candle (and about as effective) leaving me with frizz instead of sleek locks. And I couldn't get my necklace to work. Luckily one of my Belgian colleagues bought their hairdryer to the venue along with brushes and hairspray and I was able to rescue it to something half decent. And finally got the necklace to work (bottom left from Sunday in case you're interested!). Thanks again LadyPride for the style advice. Think the presentation and subsequent interviews with journalists and bloggers went well. And saw the output of yesterday's tv interview - it wasn't bad. Who knows I may be famous in Belgium! (Though not sure that's much of a claim - a Belgian tv personality is hosting the event and I have never heard or seen her before). Maybe I should try to bag myself a Belgian footballer.

Flight back to UK not until 9.30pm so another long day. But a fun one. As the tv interviewer said (well I'm told he said as it's in Flemish which I have no clue on), I have the best job in the world.

TS: travel / style exemption (but yellow heels for presentations and black pumps the rest of the day)

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