Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Triple step, triple step, rock step.

A very busy and productive day at the office. Hardly a spare moment. Followed by a mad dash up the A1 to get to the Lindi Hop class.

missymoo and I have joined a class for complete beginners, which suits me fine - I'm totally unused to the fancy footwork. Normally I plod about doing Rockabilly, but this is great fun.

It's great to have a go with someone who is willing have a crack at it, and when it all goes pear shaped often sometimes hardly ever, laughs it off and has another go.

I don't think missymoo believed me when I talked about dancing shoes. So here they are! Jazzed up a bit with laser, elwire and frac, with a bit of colour added to give a sort of party look.

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