
By mcneill

Experiments with Exposure

So I must have taken at least 40 photos of the same scene.

I experimented with slightly different settings for each one in my continuing bid to learn more about photography. I can't say that it is the most exciting scene in the world, but it was certainly educational. I really don't understand how people can take in the conditions, intuitively fiddle with a few settings, and take the perfect picture. I seem to have more of a splatter gun approach rather than a sniper.

One day.

Anyway, I also bought a new camera bag today; It is the Kata DR-466. First impressions are good, seems lightweight and well made. Also fits a laptop which is handy for traveling. Plus it looks like a rucksack rather than a camera bag, which has to be good for the paranoid.

However the key thing is that it will allow me to take my camera into work and therefore allow me to fire off 40 photos of the same thing at lunchtime (time permitting) as well as in the evening.

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