
By dulcevina

First Day of Pre-K

It's hard to imagine that this boy, this vibrant, charismatic, talkative little boy is in Pre-K. He was so unbelievably excited to see this day come. Dad and I dropped him off this morning with camera in tow. I stood at the front of the room trying to retract the water swelling in my eyes while he jumped right in, finding his new cubby and reuniting with his old buddies from preschool.

The infant room is just across the way, and it makes me emotional every time I think about those first drop offs, the lunches spent nursing him, the afternoons peering in the window trying to catch a glimpse of him crawling or taking first steps toward a toy or a teacher.

It has all gone too fast - and I know this is only a sign of things to come. Throughout it all, I know we are so proud of our son - of both his intelligence and his incredible heart.
After I pulled myself together, I noticed the Pre-K boys had huddled around to give J the scoop on the rules of the room ("You don't have to nap here!"). I think it's going to be a great year!

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