Washing day.....sadly not.

As dawn broke there was a eerie calmness which descended upon our small town. The sky was still dark and threatening as if the wild night was not quite finished with us. Helicopters took to the air to fight a fire caused from the wind in the Ashley Forest. Trees and fences were down, the local bowling club had lost part of its fence and a neighbour down our street found there fence flattened from the wind. Garden gazebos were thrown round sections, completely dismantled and wheelie bins put out for rubbish collection were on their sides pushed up against fences.

The talk at the gym was about missing belongings which had disappeared overnight while others had gained all kinds of objects but not mum's terracotta pots or her peg basket, wonder where they are?

Hubby and I went rural today, had a bit of an adventure. Again many blue gum and wattle trees were down, line men were out fixing the power lines and putting in new poles but they hadn't quite made it here. A new shed from just behind me was dismantled with the iron strung across the power lines as if it was washing put out to dry - such devastation everywhere.

Pretty much sums up our night of gale force winds up to 230 kph rocking the house and windows all night, along with thunder and lightning - it was horrendous! Yesterday's river scene was just a taste of what was to come.

This shot shows how the iron is wound round the line.

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