
By Transitoire

Amassez les troupes

Bring in the troops

The most chilled out changeover day I have ever had since high season started. Why? Well, Thom was feeling much better, well enough to clean. Jim was here to sort any maintenance problems, along with our normal professional maintenance man Paul. Jemma was here also to clean, as well as Paul and his wife. So altogether we were a team of six, rather than our usual team of two. Seeming as the week or so before we had done ten cleans on our own, and we had fourteen cleans with six people, life was good. I ended up doing checks on everyone else’s cleans, as I am technically the site manager…but I will say it was rather awkward giving out check lists for everyone, especially to those who were quite a bit older than me! I tried to make them sound nice, but when you’re picking faults in someone’s cleaning skills it is pretty difficult!

To celebrate the fact we had had such a nice time, here is a picture of the fields next to our house with the sun going down. I really liked the way the light was touching the leaves of the tree, making it seem even more russet. It really does show how much time has passed, as when I first arrived this field was bare and just planted. Time passes quickly when you’re too busy to watch it go by.

With the help of everyone else, we were done way before check-in time, leaving us a good chunk of our evening free to get ourselves 100% better.

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