
By NickyH


So I was stalking the garden for a blip, presuming there'd at least be a nice big fat raindrop somewhere, when I spotted one of my plants covered in these horrible, creepy, almost see-through snails. Yuk! But at least they provided me with a blip!

I dropped H off at school then had a long, lazy and, most importantly, quiet breakfast, alone! I then decided to take myself out for lunch (I changed our bed and the bed in the spare room before I went just so I didn't feel too bad about not doing a great deal else towards the housework) and did a spot of shopping as I have a hen party next Friday night and not a thing to wear! What a great day!

(Not the best quality blip in the world, but the light was fading and my camera is useless above ISO 200 so it will have to do!)

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